Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Kids Loved this Codfish Recipe

"Hook is a codfish, Hook is a codfish!" I'm not sure why the children of Peter Pan chant this about Captain Hook. Is codfish really that bad to be compared to a horrible man?

Tonight I made the kids a tasty codfish and quinoa/veggie pilaf. They ate all of the fish and fought over the last piece, something that has never happened before. Imagine forks trying to stab the final filet while fending off the other forks as the kids yelled at each other. "You had more than me!" or "I'm still hungry!" Tears of pride filled my eyes and I wanted to take a video of the fight.

Even before dinner, my kids were hooked by the smell. "Moooom! What is that good smell?" Because of our busy lifestyle, I am often heating up prepared food and serving that with a side of fresh sliced veggies piled high. When I actually do cook from scratch like tonight, the smoke alarm usually goes off and the kids have to endure burnt food. Ah, but not tonight.

Not only did they like the cod but they actually loved the quinoa and ate seconds and thirds. I didn't have the broccoli called for the in the quinoa recipe, so I used frozen diced carrots, peas and corn. I think the beef bouillon cubes that I added to the water also gave that extra flavor.

So, I share this recipe with you. I recommend that you skip lunch, serve dinner early, and get them while they are hungry like I did. Then you'll see your tiny tots eating really nutritious food instead of snacking on the typical American fattening fillers.

This recipe comes from the Real Simple website:

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Toaster Game

Typically I wash all three little ones at once because it saves time. But really, they love being in the bath together as I'm generous with the bubbles. The lather piles high and they play for as long as the water stays warm.

Last night, they got out of our giant jacuzzi sized tub, wrapped up in towels, and huddled together. Then one of them had the idea to play Toaster.

As they were crouched down, they would all say in unison, "Tick, tick, tick, tick, DING!" When they said DING!, they all popped up and yelled "Toaster!"

I just adore how the kids come up with their sweet little games.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Enjoying My Kid's Stories

My oldest daughter is the best storyteller. The girl has timing. She entertains me even with the mundane, so she always has me smiling. While I can't mimic her timing, I can tell you the latest story that had me laughing.

The other day, one of our cats was playing with a chipmunk. Con (as she is called), was batting around a chipmunk whose neck was slashed. She would stop and watch the chipmunk, let the chipmunk run away, and then chase it. Once she caught the chipmunk, she's begin the cycle again. Over and over our cat was terrorizing the poor little rodent. Classic 'cat and mouse.'

Meanwhile in the backyard, our less aggressive cat, Pip, was frolicking in the tall grass, swinging at butterflies. The way she pointed out the contrast of these cats cracked me up.

Like the cats, my kids personalities endear them them to me so much.