Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mail Call

All week my 11 and 5 year olds counted down the days until Amazon would deliver each of them their Lego toys.  Intently watching the road, the kids would ask at the rumble of each approaching vehicle, "Do you think that's the UPS truck brining our Legos?"

When Amazon emailed me to notify us of which day the toys would arrive, the excitement could hardly be contained.  Coming home from class meant that the kids ran around the house in case the delivery guy left the package on the back deck.  Every so often I was asked, "Do you think they'll really come today?"

Finally the package arrived.  The 5 year old bought some huge Lego set with birthday money and computer help from her brother.  Honestly, I didn't know what she purchased until it arrived. I still don't understand.  Something about Lego ninjas?

The 11 year old now owns some board game that has additional sets to buy, assemble, and add to this board.  I played a round with him and am convinced that every game I now play with him will always have that whiff of role playing.

Waiting for the kids' package to arrive truly made me feel way out in the middle of nowhere.   At times like these, I do feel a bit out on the prairie. 

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