Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My New Year's Resolution

With the new year comes the inevitable question: What is your new year's resolution?

Growing up, this question became quite the joke for me.  Having a friend who took this ritual way to seriously only fueled my indifference and teasing nature. Each year, she'd bring out the list from the previous year to see if us girls had accomplished what was on the list. And every year, I'd turn my head to see a package of Nilla wafer cookies on her counter and resolve that this would be the year that I'd make the pudding recipe on the box.

Well, I'll probably never make that recipe and I won't bother to even fake an interest in making the pudding.  I would probably ignore the whole resolution step like I have each new year, but this year I finally came up with a habit worth forming.

This year, I want to write more consistently on my blog. I've decided that I want to write at least 3 times a week about our life so that our many memoires can easily translate to a readable format: bound and printed on paper.

Since I've long stopped keeping trinkets in a box for the kids to hold old memories in their hands, I figure this memoir can at least remind them of our many adventures here on our dwindling farm in the 'burbs.

It's January 4th, and I can finally answer what my new year's resolution is for 2012. Except that people have stopped asking that question.  I know I'm a few days late, but won't somebody ask me now that I have an answer?

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