Monday, January 23, 2012

Peace During the School Hour

When the oldest were little, I banned Play-Doh. Somehow those dried-up hardened chunks managed to escape the wrath of the vacuum and the dust pan. The colorful dust on my floor didn't please me.

Instead of playing with play-doh, we did a lot of other activities. I drove the kids to playgroups. We attended story and craft times at the library. Daily I read to them for hours. We walked to the neighborhood playground or drove to explore other playgrounds.

Now that I am actively homeschooling 4 children while trying to appease 1 toddler, time is a luxury. I'm unable to participate in library programs, read for hours to each age level, or explore nearby parks.

In short, Play-doh has become the least of my worries. If my 3 year old can safely amuse himself with something that will capture his attention for an hour, what do I care if it makes a big mess? Blowing bubbles? The contents of the kitchen cabinet? Band-aids? Soap bubbles in the sink? All are fine. All have been removed from the Off Limits List. All help me maintain peace during school time.

Playing under the school table.


  1. how could i have failed to share my, "Let's get you all set up with your playdough in the dry bathtub!" routine??? then you hose it down later. So sorry I failed to mention that favorite of mine ;-)

  2. also, LOL on the dual "Pax during the school hour" innuendo!
