Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Broken Glass

I just cleaned up a million little shards of glass. While on the phone, I heard the crash and tinkle of picture frames hitting the floor and the glass shattering. Cleaning up broken glass from a wood floor with grooves is no small task. Those grooves are like caves where the glass likes to hide.

Cleaning the glass reminded me of similar incident that happened almost 8 years ago. We were living in our townhouse. From Ikea, we had a huge 4'x3' framed Van Gogh print. Trying to get around the baby one day, I squeezed sideways by a table where the print rested and leaned against the wall. As I squeezed by, my butt bumped the table. The print fell over and exploded into a million tiny shards.

I shut my eyes and screamed and screamed and screamed imagining glass sticking out of my baby like an acupuncture procedure gone wrong.

Sharp shards showered the floor, yet the baby was miraculously spared a single piece of glass. A perfect sphere of bare floor encircled the her. Amazingly she was unscathed. But there was still that mess to clean up. What a big job!

So I don't have the best luck with glass. Unlike Helen of Troy had a face that launched a 1,000 ships, I have a butt that triggers a million shards.


  1. i remember one day when someone spilled an entire box of powdery fruit loops all over the white carpet. **while i was cleaning that up** someone (in another room) spilled a dark purple blueberry smoothie all over the white carpet. **while i was cleaning that up** someone had a poop accident on the bathroom floor, which got smeared. everywhere. **while i was cleaning that up** someone broke a mirror, which shattered into a million pieces. I took heed, observed the trend, imagined what could be next, and **I DID NOT CLEAN THAT UP** I packed the kids into the minivan and left for the rest of the day, and dealt with it after they were all in bed that night. sometimes, i just give up, and shards of glass can drive me to it.
