Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday Part I

Sometimes you just have "one of those days." You know what I'm talking about. Even though you love your kids, you still feel a bit out numbered on "one of those days."

Yesterday was one of those days. Having invited 2 of my nephews to spend the night with us, I thought that the addition to 2 boys would be my tiny bump in Saturday's road. These boys are great. Coming from  an even larger family than ours, I can ask them to help us with whatever chores we are doing. Always they jump in to help without reluctance.

But, like I said, they are boys. Get a group of boys together who get to do what they love and you've got noise. And since the Xbox is in my main room, I get to hear every decible of their pleasure.

I had to tear them away from their game in order to force them to eat before what I thought would be the only adventure of our day. Our big activity for the weekend was to try out Rebouderz in Sterling with some other students from our Classical Conversations campus.

Upon arriving there, I was informed that I needed waivers for my nephews. Waivers signed by their parents. Neither being the aunt nor letting the workers talk to my brother on the phone was sufficient proof of consent.  They needed a paper on file.

It took us about 1/2 an hour to straighten this out. My brother had to deal with a difficult website, work around a virus on his computer that wouldn't allow him to scan, and then resend the fax after the worker saw where my brother didn't give his second signature on the second page of the waiver.

After all that mess, I felt like I'd gotten over my hurdle for the day. The rest of the day would be smooth sailing.  Silly me.