Thursday, November 10, 2011

Beta Version Failure

The first fish died.

Ok, I said it. It's out there.  We couldn't even maintain the life of a beta fish. A beta fish!  Of course, we have no idea what we did wrong, but there it was.  Floating. Motionless. Still.  Captain wouldn't flinch when we tapped the tank or even when we hit it harder.

Now we have Captain II or Captain 2.0 depending on your geek background, I suppose.  Captain II can't ever get any sleep when we are awake.  After our last experience, we worry when he rests in the plastic plant.  To reassure ourselves that he is in fact alive, we tap the glass.  A lot.

When we knock on the plastic, Captain II's fins then begin to undulate and put us at ease that our fish is indeed still alive.

Hopefully, we will learn in time to accept that our underwater friend needs to rest and be still.  Because if things keep going as is, then we might develop an OCD type of habit.  Each time we pass the tank, we might feel compelled to keep wrapping his wall which will keep him continually awake.


  1. Lex just got a beta yesterday, to make up for his crab dying. We had one beta live to be 4 1/2 years old, but others die in one month or less. Fickle fish!

  2. seems our fish died after this "went to press." So, um, they are known for being fickle? That's good. I guess. Why couldn't we be the people who own a fish for 4 1/2 years???
