Friday, November 4, 2011

Remembering the Purple Lotus

Today I'm considering taking the kids to Mount Vernon's home school day.  If I do go, I promise to be much more careful than I was last year when I dropped my phone into the toilet.  While rice revived the pee-pee phone, it never really was the same again.  Here is the obituary I wrote for it when I thought all hope was lost. The comments and condolences left on my Facebook note made me laugh so hard.  So, go to my notes and read those. 

Purple Lotus: Dead at 21 months
November 5, 2010

The purple Lotus cell phone that transformed its owner from a mere talker to a texter is dead at the young age of 21 months. 

A beautiful phone that would stop people in their tracks to ask, "What is that thing," fell into the toilet of a Mount Vernon restroom earlier today.  The splashes of its owner fishing it out  and her gasps of horror could be heard in the neighboring stalls.

The phone documented its owner's life and quickly uploaded each minute detail of her life to Facebook.  The familiar revving engine sound of an incoming text message was always guaranteed to prompt a laugh from people who heard that out-of-context noise.

After its owner tried to dab the water off the phone with toilet paper in lieu of what most people would consider extremely handy paper towels, she held the battery under the hand drier futilely. 

Even though she did receive sympathies for the passing of her phone, most of her friends burst into laughter instead of offering condolences upon hearing about how the accident happened.

The owner is reported to have complained about losing all of those numbers due to her inability to remember a single person's phone number.

The phone is survived by her owner, the family and an unused phone book.

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