Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pandora Radio

Music is such a mood regulator.  Instead of grabbing that bottle of whatever, why not try what we do?  Our Pandora radio station is almost always playing at our house.

If it's chore time, the Rage Against the Machine station comes on.  When it's time to settle down for reading,  the Bach station is played.  For background music during a meal, Carla Bruni accompanies our conversation.

Since any child is allowed to approve or disapprove of a song by using the thumbs up or down feature, they all become so animated when their favorite song comes on.  In our family, we would much rather let the automated DJ choose our next song then make our own mix.  What's the fun in making your own?

Whether driving or at home, we are continually listening to our tunes.  And sharing this music I love with my kids definitely ranks high in the fond memories I will keep with me from my time spent all day with them.

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